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    Sunday, February 7, 2021

    Transplant bushes | Tips and recommendations to do it correctly

    Transplant bushes | Tips and recommendations to do it correctly

    Cleaning admin


    Transplant bushes | Tips and recommendations to do it correctly

    For the reason that you need to transplant bushes or trees, it is vital that you know valuable information before doing so. In fact, one wrong step will end the life of the plant that you may adore. But do not worry, this article will give you the correct tips for you to have a successful operation. So keep reading.

    For those who do not know the term transplant, it means extracting an element from one place to place it in another. So in the case of plants it fits perfectly the previous definition. In other words, we remove a tree or bush from one space to plant it in another.

    The process has its risks. In other words, it is similar to complex surgical procedures in humans that are life-threatening. Therefore it is important to know that:

    -It is ideal to transplant plants in winter. Also when the bush is not in the growth stage. On the contrary, doing it in spring or summer is a huge mistake.

    -Some plants are weaker than others. So they may not resist. This is because they lose a large part of their root system, which causes trauma.

    -Large bushes are more complicated to transplant than small ones. Since they lose roots and it is not good. But it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. In fact, by following the correct guidelines there is a greater probability that the plant will prosper in the future.

    Well, since you know the previous information, we give you the steps to carry out the work in the best possible way.

    Steps to transplant bushes.

    1. We recommend you tie the branches to work better.
    2. It is not good that the earth is dry. So it is better when it is wet or in such a case try to do it.
    3. The shrub may be deciduous. So for this case the normal thing is to extract it with the peeled root. But in case the plant has evergreen leaves, the ideal is to extract it with the root ball.

    This is the land mass attached to the roots. Then mark a kind of circle around the plant and dig a deep ditch with a shovel. Then remove the tree or shrub with everything and a root ball.

    Then you wrap the root ball with a cloth or plastic and tie it tight to make it firm. This way you make sure that this piece of land does not loosen the roots.

    1. create a cast. In other words, when the bush or tree you want to transplant is large, it is vital to place a more solid support for the root ball. For example wire mesh.

    5.Transfer the plant to the destination site. You probably need help since with a root ball the

    bush weighs. Now if it is with a bare root you can do it yourself.

    1. Dig a hole in a way that will fit the base or root of the plant. Then add natural organic nutrients. For example manure. Thus the roots absorb the vitamins you need.
    2. You already know that when extracting a plant from the site of origin it loses part of the roots. So once you plant it at the destination, ideally cut off part of its upper branches. In fact half the length.
    3. When noticing that an outbreak waters the bush.
    4. Add nutrients that give the bush vigor and help it function well in the new place:

    • Seaweed
    • Thiamines
    • Humic acids
    • Amino acids

    With these steps you can enjoy your healthy bush in the place you want. But don’t forget to give them the care they require. We also hope this publication is useful to you.

    You can share it with your friends on your social networks. We also invite you to read other interesting articles:

    How to make figures in the bushes?
    How to create homemade fertilizers?

    We read each other another time.

    How to make figures in the bushes ? | Learn easy and simple

    How to make figures in the bushes ? | Learn easy and simple

    Cleaning admin

    How to make figures in the bushes ?. | Learn easy and simple

    To have a garden or patio beautiful and enviable by others you do not need to hire gardeners. It isSaying is a job that you can do if you are passionate about the area. Also if you like to make your own creations. So one of the tasks that will make the difference in your green areas is to make figures in bushes.

    First of all we clarify that although it is not difficult, it requires patience. Also clarity in the figure you want to capture and of course love for what you do. In fact it is like a sculpture but natural and you are in charge of sculpting it to your liking.

    Of course, not all plants are ideal for this purpose. In fact, those that do not grow much or those with large leaves do not penetrate. So we present you the ideal plant types to make figures:

    Buxus sempervirens (boxwood)
    Olive trees
    Durillos …

    These types of plants grow slowly. Now that you know the species to work with, we give you tips for the process.

    Create bushy shapes with simple steps.

    You can create simple figures like squares, cones, circles and others from the gemotría. So what you should do is:

    Sow one of the species that we mentioned before.

    Place a wire or wooden mold that you previously built around the still small plant. Although you can also do it manually with the help of other objects that shape the figure.

    Expect it to be an ideal height and dense foliage. So it’s time to cut the tip of the bushes. Usually 20 cm. Thus you will achieve a dense growth.

    Have pruning shears available to make the figure. In effect, pruning is the ideal method for this type of project.

    Cut the excess leaves that protrude from the mold. So you will see that little by little it takes the figure you want.

    For complex figures such as animals or people the procedure is similar. But the mold is metal armor. They are usually larger sizes.

    We know it takes time. But once it passes and you apply these steps you will already be able to appreciate bushes in your own style. On top of that you don’t have to pay for others to do it.

    We hope this article is useful. Similarly, we invite you to read other articles that may interest you:

    How to transplant bushes?
    How to create homemade fertilizers?

    Homemade fertilizers | how to create them? | less money more health

    Homemade fertilizers | how to create them? | less money more health

    Cleaning admin


    The plants in our garden or patio need special care to keep them healthy. In other words, it is vital that they absorb nutrients regularly. In fact the normal thing is to put fertilizers. Although there are several in the market, many of them contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to health. Therefore, the ideal is to apply homemade fertilizers that ensure healthy herbs.

    If you still don’t know how to do it, don’t worry, here we show you how to do it. Go for it.

    First of all we tell you that there are three foods of vital importance for plants:
    • Potassium
    • Match
    • Nitrogen
    Well, we will teach you how to create fertilizers with these nutrients and thus save you health and money. So take note and put these tips into practice.
    Basic nutrients to create homemade fertilizers.

    Banana peels.

    Both the fruit and the peel have a high content of potassium. So applying this nutrient not only helps fight diseases but also flowering and fruit growth.

    Usually the way to apply it is through an input from the peels. In other words, for one liter of the solution you do the following:
    • Looking for 4 banana peels
    • You cut them into a frame
    • You put them in a pot with water in the amount we specif
    • Let it boil for 15 minutes
    • Wait for it to cool down
    • Strain
    • You can add another liter of water at room temperature
    • Spray
    Wood ashes.

    This nutrient enters the list of homemade fertilizers because they contribute phosphorus to plants. So they allow to give sweet fruits and with excellent aroma. It also helps the flowering of herbs. But we do not recommend it for acidophilic plants. This is because they increase the pH of the soil.

    Then it increases the absorption of acid that affects their health. You can use the ashes from the fireplace or roasted food.

    To use it, dissolve the ashes in natural water. That is to say that it does not contain color it waters the plants. However, you can place the ashes directly a few cm from the stem. Then you bury them.

    Coffee grounds.

    We mentioned earlier that nitrogen is a vital nutrient for plant health. Indeed, coffee grounds have a large amount of this substance. However, it is ideal only foracidophilic plants:
    • Camellias
    • Hortencias
    • Blueberries
    This is because the remains of the coffee are acidic. So in other plants it will cause damage.

    How to use.

    On the one hand you can dissolve 6 cups of coffee grounds in 22 liters of water. Let stand for 2 or 3 days and water. On the other hand you can place 3/4 cups of the material on the ground near the roots.

    Other nutrients like organic fertilizers.

    In addition to the main ones, there are other organic compounds that help the health of your plants, Such is the case of:
    • Potassium
    • Calcium

    Another fertilizer that attacks the rot of vegetables is calcium. In other words, the one that contains the eggshells. In fact this material contains 95% calcium, not bad for herbs.

    How to use.
    • Collect a good amount of the eggshells
    • Wash them
    • Crush to powder
    • Spread on the ground near the plant
    We hope this article is useful to you and that you can successfully implement our tips. We also invite you to read other articles that we prepare for you:
    • How to transplant bushes?
    • How to make figures in bushes?
    If you wish, you can review them and learn other gardening topics.
    We read soon.


    Lawn care is a solid company expert in lawn care, landscape design and construction in oklahoma.

    Our history registers more than 5000 lawns throughout the city. So we have important and proven knowledge for detect any problems that arise in your garden or patio. We know well the possible threats to the lawn due to pH, temperatures or bugs that can damage the grass. In fact our improvements have science as an ally.

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